Monday, October 29, 2018

Look into our week U2 wk 3 (10/29-11/2)

Good morning parents and guardians,

Families, don't forget to use SMARTY ANTS at home. Log in information was given at back to school night. This is an amazing reading program that is also INDIVIDUALIZED! If your child still needs help with letter sounds, it will help them with that. If your child is ready to read CVC words, it will challenge them in that. 
If you have trouble logging in, please feel free to reach out to me!

Log in page:

 Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
1 finger: restroom
Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during recess, during lunch, during PE and after school.
2 fingers:water
Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
3 fingers: pencil
Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
4 fingers: tissue
when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
5 fingers: question
question for me to give more information on

Classroom rules:
#1: Listen while the teacher is talking
#2: Follow directions quickly
#3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
#4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
#5: Keep your hands to yourself
#6: Keep your dear teacher happy

If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

School News:

Parent HUB link:
Click here

October Family Project
Due: Oct 29

10/31: Fall Classroom Party
Sign up list outside classroom door
*feel free to send anything extra not on the list
Exp: cookies, small cupcakes, candy, goody bags, etc

-no masks or weapon accessories
-students are encouraged to dress up as a book character and bring the book that goes with their costume

11/5: 50th day of school
(dress up like the 50s)

11/7: Jog-a-thon
(pajama day)

11/12: NO SCHOOL (Veteran's day)

11/13: Fall picture make-up day

11/14: STEAM family night

11/16: Tk/k Thanksgiving Feast
(more information to come soon)

Here is a look into our week

(camp day, pirate and rock and roll)

Songs to practice at home:

Language Arts: Unit 2-week 3
  • CVC reading test on FRIDAY
    • 5 points-word read without sounding it out "cat"
    • 4 points-word is sounded out then said "c/a/"
    • 3 points-word is only sounded out "c/a/t"
    • 2 points-only 2 letters are sounded out "c/a"
    • 1 point-only 2 letter is sounded out "c"
  • Theme: Pumpkins
  • Story of the week: "Pete the Cat: Five Little Pumpkins"
  • Poem of the week: "5 little pumpkins"
  • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)

Math: Chapter 4-Shapes
  • Students will be able to identify 2d and 3d shapes
    • name shapes
    • describe shapes
    • create patterns with shapes
    • match real like objects with shapes
  • Songs:
Science: Pumpkins
  • Students will be able to names different parts of a pumpkin and state facts about pumpkins
    Writing: The Writing house
    • VOWELS
      • Students will be able to identify missing VOWELS in CVC words
        • Write letters in correct part of house
    • Practice paper (print and use at home)
      Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
    Have a great rest of the day. See you all tomorrow!

    Mrs. Gil

    Sunday, October 21, 2018

    Look into our week: Unit 2 week 2 (10/22-10/26)

    Good afternoon parents and guardians,

    Families, don't forget to use SMARTY ANTS at home. Log in information was given at back to school night. This is an amazing reading program that is also INDIVIDUALIZED! If your child still needs help with letter sounds, it will help them with that. If your child is ready to read CVC words, it will challenge them in that. 
    If you have trouble logging in, please feel free to reach out to me!

    Log in page:

     Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
    Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
    1 finger: restroom
    Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during recess, during lunch, during PE and after school.
    2 fingers:water
    Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
    3 fingers: pencil
    Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
    4 fingers: tissue
    when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
    5 fingers: question
    question for me to give more information on

    Classroom rules:
    #1: Listen while the teacher is talking
    #2: Follow directions quickly
    #3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
    #4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
    #5: Keep your hands to yourself
    #6: Keep your dear teacher happy

    If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

    School News:

    Parent HUB link:
    Click here

    10/22-10/26 Red Ribbon week

    October Family Project
    Due: Oct 29

    10/31: Fall Classroom Party
    Sign up list outside classroom door
    *feel free to send anything extra not on the list
    Exp: cookies, small cupcakes, candy, goody bags, etc

    -no masks or weapon accessories
    -students are encouraged to dress up as a book character and bring the book that goes with their costume

    Language Arts: Unit 2-week 2
    • Theme: Spiders
    • Story of the week: "Miss Spiders tea party"
    • Poem of the week: "Spider"
    • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)
    • High Frequency Words (HFW-also known as Sight words : Same set of words last for two weeks. These words are meant to be read just by "seeing" them)

    Math: Chapter 3-Numbers to 10 (lessons 3.9-3.13)
    Science: Spiders
    • Students will be able to names different parts of a spider and state facts about a spiders
    Social Studies: Halloween around the world
    • Students will be able to describe a few Halloween traditions from around the world
      Writing: The Writing house

      • TEST: Friday
        • Write letter that represents the beginning sound of the picture given
        • Write letter in correct part of house
      • Write the beginning letter sounds of words
        • Write the letters in correct spot of house
      • Practice paper (print and use at home)
        Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
      Have a great rest of the day. See you all tomorrow!

      Mrs. Gil

      Sunday, October 14, 2018

      Look into our week: Unit 2 week 1 (10/15-10/19)

      Good afternoon parents and guardians,

      I will be out of the country this week Tues-Fri for a family wedding. If you have questions during the week, please email me. If your pick up routine will be changing for the day, please call the office so they can notify the substitute. 
      Please remind your child to be on their best behavior, we have been practicing and reviewing class rules while I am out.

      Families, don't forget to use SMARTY ANTS at home. Log in information was given at back to school night. This is an amazing reading program that is also INDIVIDUALIZED! If your child still needs help with letter sounds, it will help them with that. If your child is ready to read CVC words, it will challenge them in that. 
      If you have trouble logging in, please feel free to reach out to me!

      Log in page:

       Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
      Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
      1 finger: restroom
      Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during recess, during lunch, during PE and after school.
      2 fingers:water
      Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
      3 fingers: pencil
      Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
      4 fingers: tissue
      when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
      5 fingers: question
      question for me to give more information on

      Classroom rules:
      #1: Listen while the teacher is talking
      #2: Follow directions quickly
      #3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
      #4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
      #5: Keep your hands to yourself
      #6: Keep your dear teacher happy

      If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

      School News:

      Parent HUB link:
      Click here

      10/15: Trimester 1 progress reports sent home

      10/15-10/19: National School Lunch Week

      10/17: Coffee with director @ 8am
      (RSVP via the parent hub link)

      10/22-10/26 Red Ribbon week

      October Family Project
      Due: Oct 29

      10/31: Fall Classroom Party
      Sign up list outside classroom door
      *feel free to send anything extra not on the list
      Exp: cookies, small cupcakes, candy, goody bags, etc

      Language Arts: Unit 2-week 1
      • Theme: Bats
      • Story of the week: "Stella Luna and There was an old lady that swallowed a bat"
      • Poem of the week: "Bats are sleeping"
      • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)
      • High Frequency Words (HFW-also known as Sight words : Same set of words last for two weeks. These words are meant to be read just by "seeing" them)

      Math: Chapter 3-Numbers to 10 (lessons 3.9-3.13)
      Science: Bats
      • Students will be able to names different parts of a bat and state facts about a fact
      Social Studies: Halloween around the world
      • Students will be able to describe a few Halloween traditions from around the world
        Writing: The Writing house
        • Write the beginning letter sounds of words
          • Write the letters in correct spot of house
        • Practice paper (print and use at home)
          Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
        Have a great rest of the day. See you all tomorrow!

        Mrs. Gil