Thursday, August 31, 2017

Homework information

Good evening, 

Some crazy weather today! I hope everyone stayed dried. I wanted to give out some information on our kindergarten homework plan for this school year. I thought it would be best to share it now, as our first homework packet will be going home the second week of school. This will give you time to review the information and allows me to answer any questions for you. 

  • Homework Folder
    • Provided by me
    • Students are encouraged to bring and turn in their folders daily (will have a file holder on my classroom door)
    • I will keep folders over the weekend and return every Monday
  • Homework practice pages 
    • going home every two weeks
    • The pages sent home are meant to be fun and used multiple times
      • Feel free to place them in sheet protectors or laminate to use with a dry erase marker
  • Nightly Reading
    • A month log reading log will be sent home at the beginning of each month
      • On a daily basis please read 10 min, clean out your child's folder and backpack. Then initial in all corresponding spots
  • Monthly Family projects
    • These will go home at the beginning of each month and will have a set due date (at least two weeks time will be given)
    • Due date are given so children have time to present their projects to their classmates
  • Recommended items to have at home
    • dry erase marker
    • dice 
    • dominoes
    • deck of cards
    • counting items (beads, beans, pennies, connecting cubes, legos, etc)

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
I can not wait to get this school year started and begin to see all my kiddos grow academically!

Have a great evening, 
Mrs. Gil

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

WELCOME 17-18!

Welcome new parents and guardians, 

Thank you for stopping by. I know we will have an amazing school year. Please check back on we weekly basis (weekends) for updates.

Here is some information to get you started.

-ON THE FIRST DAY ONLY, parents are allowed to park at the mosque (same as meet the teacher day).
-parking on the street is always opened (if you are able to find a spot)

Drop off and pick up
-Please use first drive way to enter  (from the Linden St)
-Use second driveway to exit (towards Blaine)

  • Students can be dropped off as early at 7am
  • Pick up
    • No siblings- come before 3:00 (TK/K ends at 3:00pm)
    • Siblings-we would like to encourage families with multiple siblings to come closer to 3:15
-Kinder students will meet on kinder playground
-Each teacher will have backpack bins and a lunch bin
  • Please place items in correct bin
-7:35-7:40 We will be meeting students outside our classroom (signs will be posted)
-Parents will be allowed to stay for the pledge (7:45) and walk to classroom

-Students are encouraged to bring a snack for first recess (9:10-9:30) and afternoon recess (12:45-1:15)
-Students are allowed to bring water bottles to keep in class and take out to recess

-Students will be walked to MPR to have lunch
-Types of lunch
  • Cold lunch (lunch brought from home)
    • Lunch pails will be placed in bin outside, that all be be brought into the classroom to keep cool
  • Hot lunch (lunch provided by the school)
    • Make sure to fill out the lunch form on a monthly basis (usually sent home at the end of each month)
    • Practice lunch number at home

Back to school night: September 14, 2017
-Admin lead orientations in MPR 4:30-5:00 and 5:30-6:00
-Teacher lead sessions in own classrooms 5:00, 5:30 and 6:00

-Don't forget to sign up for my remind, this is the quickest way for me to reach all parents at once. This is also the best way to reach me, as the messages come straight to my phone via text.

-Every year I create a new Shutterfly page for my class. Here I am able to share pictures with via invite only, to keep them private to this year's parents. Please email me if you would like to be added.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you!
Mrs. Gil