Sunday, November 25, 2018

Look into our week Unit 2-wk 6 (11/26-11/30)

Good afternoon parents and guardians,

I hope you all had an amazing break with family and friends!

Families, don't forget to use SMARTY ANTS at home. Log in information was given at back to school night. This is an amazing reading program that is also INDIVIDUALIZED! If your child still needs help with letter sounds, it will help them with that. If your child is ready to read CVC words, it will challenge them in that. 
If you have trouble logging in, please feel free to reach out to me!

Log in page:

 Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
1 finger: restroom
Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during recess, during lunch, during PE and after school.
2 fingers:water
Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
3 fingers: pencil
Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
4 fingers: tissue
when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
5 fingers: question
question for me to give more information on

Classroom rules:
#1: Listen while the teacher is talking
#2: Follow directions quickly
#3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
#4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
#5: Keep your hands to yourself
#6: Keep your dear teacher happy

If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

School News:

Parent HUB link:
Click here

Save the date: #GivingTuesday 2018 is November 27th. We're proud to be a part of the global celebration of giving. 
#GivingTuesday is a global movement that you can participate in by giving in a variety of ways starting with your local community. As a non-profit public Charter School that is dedicated to bridging the achievement gap for underserved youth, REACH is a great place for you to focus your charitable efforts! 
Donations towards our general fund are used for things like facility upkeep and upgrades, curriculum, and supplies.
This year we are installing a Field and a Kinder playground!
Children practice and reinforce their cognitive development in multiple areas during play. By upgrading our outdoor spaces with your help we hope to improve and create even more opportunities for learning. Donate by visiting
Will you make a pledge on November 27th? For more ideas on how to get involved visit
Thanks for your support!

December Family Project
Due: Dec 20

11/30: Tk/K house competitions

Parent teacher conferences 12/3-12/7
Sign up using this link:


12/12: Santa's Workshop
6th grade Science Camp Fundraiser

12/13: T1 Assembly
Tk/K @ 8am

12/20: Winter Performance

12/24-1/4: Winter Break

Language Arts: Unit 2-week 6
  • Unit 2 final-FRIDAY
    • Rhyming words
    • Identify words/pictures that begin/end with the same sound
    • Beginning sounds
    • CVC words
    • HFW: have, is, we, my, like, he, for
  • Theme: Gingerbread Man
  • Story of the week: "Gingerbread man, loose in school"
  • Poem of the week: "My gingerbread man"
  • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)

Math: Chapter 5-Compare height, length, weight and capacity
  • Students will be able to compare height, length, weight and capacity
    • Vocabulary to use when identifying:
      • tall/short, long/short, heavy/light, and full/empty
      • taller/shorter, longer/shorter, heavier/lighter and fuller/emptier
  • Songs:
Science: Mixtures and solutions
  • Students will be able to describe mixtures and solutions and give examples of each.
Social Studies: Winter Holidays
  • Students will be able to state facts about winter Holidays
    • Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, New Year 
      Writing: The Writing house

      • Writing test: THURSDAY
        • Spell CVC words on own (for pictures given)
        • Write letters in correct part of house

        • Students will be able to identify ending sounds (in CVC words)
          • Write letters in correct part of house
      • Practice paper (print and use at home)
        Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
      Have a great rest of the day. See you all tomorrow!

      Mrs. Gil

      Monday, November 12, 2018

      Look into our week: Unit 2 week 5 (11/13-11/16)

      Good afternoon parents and guardians,

      Families, don't forget to use SMARTY ANTS at home. Log in information was given at back to school night. This is an amazing reading program that is also INDIVIDUALIZED! If your child still needs help with letter sounds, it will help them with that. If your child is ready to read CVC words, it will challenge them in that. 
      If you have trouble logging in, please feel free to reach out to me!

      Log in page:

       Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
      Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
      1 finger: restroom
      Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during recess, during lunch, during PE and after school.
      2 fingers:water
      Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
      3 fingers: pencil
      Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
      4 fingers: tissue
      when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
      5 fingers: question
      question for me to give more information on

      Classroom rules:
      #1: Listen while the teacher is talking
      #2: Follow directions quickly
      #3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
      #4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
      #5: Keep your hands to yourself
      #6: Keep your dear teacher happy

      If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

      School News:

      Parent HUB link:
      Click here

      November Family Project
      Due: Nov 16

      11/13: Fall picture make-up day

      11/14: STREAM family night

      Book Fair will be open this day!

      11/16: Tk/k Thanksgiving Feast

      Parent teacher conferences 12/3-12/7
      Sign up using this link:

      NO SCHOOL: 12/7

      Language Arts: Unit 2-week 5
      • Theme: Thanksgiving
      • Story of the week: "I know an old lady who swallowed a pie"
      • Poem of the week: "Mayflower"
      • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)

      Math: Chapter 5-Compare height, length, weight and capacity
      • Students will be able to compare height, length, weight and capacity
        • Vocabulary to use when identifying:
          • tall/short, long/short, heavy/light, and full/empty
          • taller/shorter, longer/shorter, heavier/lighter and fuller/emptier
      • Songs:
      Science: Sink/float
      • Students will be able to name items that sink or float
      Social Studies: Thanksgiving
      • Students will be able to state facts about Thanksgiving 
          Writing: The Writing house
          • ENDING SOUNDS
            • Students will be able to identify ending sounds (in CVC words)
              • Write letters in correct part of house
          • Practice paper (print and use at home)
            Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
          Have a great rest of the day. See you all tomorrow!

          Mrs. Gil

          Sunday, November 4, 2018

          Look into our week: Unit 2 week 4 (11/5-11/9)

          Good afternoon parents and guardians,

          THANK YOU for all the donations towards our fall celebration!

          Families, don't forget to use SMARTY ANTS at home. Log in information was given at back to school night. This is an amazing reading program that is also INDIVIDUALIZED! If your child still needs help with letter sounds, it will help them with that. If your child is ready to read CVC words, it will challenge them in that. 
          If you have trouble logging in, please feel free to reach out to me!

          Log in page:

           Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
          Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
          1 finger: restroom
          Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during recess, during lunch, during PE and after school.
          2 fingers:water
          Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
          3 fingers: pencil
          Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
          4 fingers: tissue
          when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
          5 fingers: question
          question for me to give more information on

          Classroom rules:
          #1: Listen while the teacher is talking
          #2: Follow directions quickly
          #3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
          #4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
          #5: Keep your hands to yourself
          #6: Keep your dear teacher happy

          If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

          School News:

          Parent HUB link:
          Click here

          November Family Project
          Due: Nov 16

          11/5: 50th day of school
          (dress up like the 50s)

          11/7: Jog-a-thon
          Tk/K 8:15-8:45
          (pajama day)

          Hour of Code:
          Students can bring in their technology this day with pre-loaded coding apps
          Move The Turtle
          Daisy The Dinosaur
          Cargo Bot

          11/12: NO SCHOOL (Veteran's day)

          11/13: Fall picture make-up day

          11/14: STREAM family night
          Book Fair will be open this day!

          11/16: Tk/k Thanksgiving Feast
          (sign up sheet will be available tomorrow)

          Coming soon: parent teacher conferences 12/3-12/7
          NO SCHOOL: 12/7
          More information will be going home soon!

          Here is a look into our week

          NOTE: ATTENDANCE DRESS UP DAYS have been moved to DECEMBER
          (camp day, pirate and rock & roll)

          Songs to practice at home:

          Language Arts: Unit 2-week 4
          • Theme: Thanksgiving
          • Story of the week: "Pete the cat-first Thanksgiving"
          • Poem of the week: "5 little turkeys"
          • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)

          Math: Chapter 4-Shapes
          • TEST-Thursday
          • Students will be able to identify 2d and 3d shapes
            • name shapes
            • describe shapes
            • create patterns with shapes
            • match real like objects with shapes
          • Songs:
          Science: Turkeys
          • Students will be able to names different parts of a turkey and state facts about them
          Social Studies: Thanksgiving
          • Students will be able to state facts about Thanksgiving 
              Writing: The Writing house
              • VOWELS
                • Students will be able to identify missing VOWELS in CVC words
                  • Write letters in correct part of house
              • Practice paper (print and use at home)
                Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
              Have a great rest of the day. See you all tomorrow!

              Mrs. Gil