Saturday, September 27, 2014

Our week at a glance 9/29-10/3

Good morning parents and guardians,

What a fun week we had in class! We learned about apples in different ways. We wrote about the parts of an apple, we put together a diagram of an apples, we tasted apple goodies and of course we learned that apples float (science experiment of the week)! Thank you to all the families that were able to donate items towards our apple celebration, the kids had so much fun! Celebrations like this would not be the same without YOUR support, THANK YOU!

Classroom news:
-Next week I will be out of my room (but still on campus) on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday all day. Please speak to your children about the classroom room rules and following them even more when there is a substitute. Many of the students already met him and they seemed really happy to have him in class next week. It will makes things better for everyone if the children are on their best behavior. I will still be checking in throughout the day with the substitute just to make sure things are going well.

-New scholastic flier for the month of October will be going home next week. Flier is already available online.

-LUNCH order form for the month of October went home Thursday. Be sure to fill it out and turn it in ASAP (especially if your child receives free or reduced lunch). Ms. Judi will be submitting the lunch requests prior to October starting.


Language Arts:

  • Continue with chapter 2
    • Students will be able to use 0 to 9 to tell the number of objects
    • Students will be able to pair up sets of objects with other sets of the same quantity
    • Students will pair up sets of objects one-to-one with other sets of the same quantity

  • This week we will be learning about how things work in the community.
    • How things work in a bakery 
      • All the fun equipment bakers use
    • How things work in a fire station
      • The equipment used by the brave men and woman to keep us them them safe
  • Special science project this week will revolve around an ingredient used in bakeries 

Social Studies:
  • Unit 3: Lesson 1-What jobs do people do?
    • Student will match simple descriptions of work that people do and the names of related jobs at the school, in the local community, and from historical accounts

  • What is leadership? What do leaders do?

As always, feel free to email me or stop by the classroom if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a great weekend, 
Miss. Maciel

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Weekly preview and school news (9/22-9/26)

Good morning parents and guardians,

I hope you all had a great weekend. We had a very busy week in our class. Learned so much but had fun doing it! Parents please continue to speak with your children about proper restroom use and please remind them to use the restroom before school, during recesses and after school. Thank you!

Lets gets started with school news:

  • 9/22 REACH school board meeting at 7:00 pm
  • 9/23 First emergency drill of the year
    • Parents please talk to your children about following directions on events like this and how to behave. You may also talk to them about the duck and cover process and another other information you feel your child may need to stay calm on this date and future drills.Thank you.
  • 9/25 Awards assemblies (*those students receiving an award in my class were sent home yesterday with a notification)
    • Tk/K 8:00-8:45 am
    • 1st/2nd 8:45-9:30 am
    • 3rd/4th 9:30-10:15 am
  • Lunch
    • Our school will now have children input their lunch numbers on a key pad when receiving breakfast or a hot lunch. Please practice with your child at home. I will be sending home a copy of the keypad with their lunch numbers in next week's homework packet. Please keep at home to practice daily (this will help lines go by faster). Thank you!
  • PTO (more information  will be in student's homework this week)

Peek at our week:

Language Arts
  • Parents I sent home a notification letter out this past week with your user name and password to access out Language Arts and Science curriculum. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
    • Unit 1-Week 3-"Plaidypus Lost"
      • Content Knowledge: Families Living, Working, and Playing Together
      • Phonemic Awareness: Initial Sounds
      • Letter Recognition: Oo
      • Comprehension Skill: Sequence
      • Handwriting: O and o
      • Listening and Speaking: Rhyme and Rhythm
      • High Frequency Words: the, little
      • Words to talk about (amazing words): platypus, around, lost, found, market and groceries
    • Test: Weekly test-Comprehension-sequence also writing samples (student are given a prompt and asked to write and illustrate about it)
  • Chapter 2-Numbers 0-9
    • Students will be able to count from 1 to 6.
    • Students will be able to count from 1 to 7
    • Students will be able to count from 1 to 8
    • Students will be able to use 0 to 9 to tell the number of objects
    • Students will be able to pair up sets of objects with other sets of the same quantity.

  • Chapter 2: Solve problems
    • Students will be able to identify a problem and a design and materials for solving it.
    • Students will note that one can draw and plan, create and test solution
    • Students will explain that solutions can be shared in different ways
    • Students will see different items sink or float and will make a prediction about apples and graph it
  • Test: on Chapter 2
  • We will also be learning about apples all day long through out the day in honor of our apple day celebration on Friday.
    • If you would like to donate any apple goodies for this day please let me know. There is also a sign up sheet on the classroom door. Thank you to all those parents that have already signed up! I can't wait for our fun educational celebration.
Social Studies
  • Unit 1-Lesson 3: What can we learn from stories?
    • Student will know beliefs and related behaviors of characters in stories from times past and understand the consequences of the characters' actions
  • Leadership: Complete and turn in all of your work

*This week's science project involved listening and following directions. I tried my best to not let the children know what we were making, using "secret science ingredients" but they were just too smart! They knew all the ingredients right away and were able to predict we were making lemonade. After making our special mixture we used out 5 senses to describe it.

Parents and guardians please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Enjoy the weekend! :)

Miss. Maciel

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Weekly view of 9/15-9/19

Good morning parents and guardians,

THANK YOU to all this families that were able to attend back to school night. I hope you were able to get a better feel of our classroom and school. If you ever need a reminder on the information presented, please look at my previous blog post where my power point presentation is available for viewing. Also feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

Here is the latest news from PTO:

Here is a look at our week:

Language Arts-
  • Story:"We are so proud"
    • Content Knowledge: Working and Playing Together at School
    • Phonological Awareness: Syllables
    • Comprehension Skill: Setting
    • HFW: I, am
    • Amazing words: proud, preparation, cooperation, creation, float and guide
  • Testing
    • Comprehension skill: setting
    • HFW and letters


  • Continue with Chapter 1: Numbers 1-5
    • Not the same but different: All about 3
    • Why is this different? All about 4
    • All about 5
    • spotting small differences
  • Testing: Numbers 1-5


  • Continue with Chapter 1: The nature of science
    • Students will tell how to use tools to and collect data
    • Students will identify how using tools and following rules help children stay safe in science class
    • Student will be able to follow directions to create correct mixture
  • Testing: Chapter 1-Nature of Science
Social Studies-
  • Unit 1: Lesson 2-Who are good citizens?
    • Student will be bale to learn examples of honesty, courage, world history from stories and folklore.
  • Testing: Who are good citizens?

  • Respecting others

Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. I will be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you and enjoy this weekend with your families, 
Miss. Maciel

PS. If you would like more information on the experiment we did yesterday please contact me (its really easy to do at home)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Back to school night presentation

Good afternoon parents and guardians,

Just in case you are unable to make it tonight. Here is the information that will be presented.
Any questions, please feel free to email me.

Back to school presentation

Thank you,
Miss. Maciel

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Quick update from PTO

Good morning parents and guardians, 

Here is some quick information PTO sent out.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

Thank you, 
Miss. Maciel

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Recap of week 1 and Preview of next week 9/8-9/12

Good morning parents and guardians,

Wow, can you believe our first week is done?? Did it go by fast for you as it did for me? This week did go by in a flash, but we did so much! I hope your children came home happy, and were no longer nervous or scared about Kindergarten. This week only had 4 days, but we learned so much already.
Here is a list of some of the things we have learned in Kindergarten:
  • How to sit at carpet/table
  • How to line up (4s line-silent, straight, still, smiling)
  • How to walk to recess/lunch and back to the classroom 
  • Classroom rules
    • Rule 1: Listen while the teacher is talking!
      Rule 2: Follow directions quickly!
      Rule 3: Respect others, respect yourself, and respect your school!
      Rule 4: Raise your hand to speak or stand!
      Rule 5: Keep your hands to yourself! 
      Rule 6: Keep your dear teacher happy!
  • Classroom hand signals for student needs
    • 1 finger in air: restroom
    • 2 fingers in air: water
    • 3 fingers in air: pencil
    • 4 fingers in air: tissue
    • 5 fingers in air: questions
  • Beginnings sounds of words
  • How many letters in our names
  • 5 senses
  • So much more!
We will begin getting into our curriculum next week. This will also be the week we begin to send homework. Students will get their homework folder every Monday with their work for the week and they are return the folder with their work on Friday.
Here is a glimpse of what is to come this week, in case you would like to prep your child with any information.

Language Arts:
  • Story of the week: The little school bus
    • Phonological Awareness: Rhyming Words
    • Letter Recognition: E-I
    • Comprehension Skill: Character
    • Beginning sounds of words
    • High Frequency Words (HFW-aka "sight words"): I, am
    • Amazing words: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth
  • Students will be tested on Friday on Comprehension skill: Character

-This year we will be using new Singapore Math Curriculum by Houghton Mifflin called "Math in Focus". I am excited about this curriculum because it's Common Core aligned and the workbooks for the students look awesome! Quick note for those parents that are not too familiar with Singapore math, it does start our slow, BUT it does this so students build a strong solid foundation for all numbers and future topics to come in Kindergarten and grades above.
  • Students this week will be able to:
    • count groups of 1 and 2.
    • write the numerals 1 and 2.
    • match and sort.
    • look for sameness.
    • understand not the same
  • Chapter 1: The Nature of Science
    • Students will be able to:
      • tell about working together to ask and answer questions.
      • explain how we observe by using the senses.
      • tell that children can learn together as they conduct fair tests.
      • record and share information about observations and tests.
Social Studies:
  • Unit 1-Lesson 1: Why do we follow the rules?
    • Student will be bale to follow rules, such as sharing and taking turns and know the consequences of breaking them

Parents please feel free to contact me via email or stop by my room with any questions or concerns. If I am unable to provide you with the information you need, I will try my best to point you in the right direction to someone who may be able to help.

Enjoy the weekend, 
Miss. Maciel