Saturday, November 28, 2015

Look into our week 11/30-12/4

Good morning parents and guardians,

I hope everyone had a great week off! We are getting closer to the end of the first trimester. Before going on Winter break, teachers will be holding parent conferences all week long after school and all day December 18. Please use the link below to sign up for a time and date.
Miss. Maciel's Parent Teacher Conference Sign up
You will need to log in using an email address. 
If you are having a hard time accessing the website, please see me.

Secret project:
Please turn in white shirts with student's name inside by 12/10

Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.

December family project: Disguise a Gingerbread Man! The project will be due December 10 (can be turned in before this) and presentations will occur the following day. Feel free to get as creative as you would like! 
Here are some great ideas I found online.

Some important dates to keep in mind:

12/1: Technology Meeting @ 4pm-Dumire's classroom
12/7: Jog-a-thon pledge money due
12/9: Hour of Code 9:30-10:30
-Students are allowed to bring in their own technology (if parents have attended meeting)
Coding apps for kids (please download before)

12/9: Wacky Wednesday 11:30-12:30
Build a bridge for the Gingerbread man
Donations needed:
Small marshmallows

12/14-12/18 Parent Conferences (SIGN UP ONLINE)
12/16: Kinder and First Grade December Awards and Christmas performances 
@ 11:30 am

12/17: Grinchmas Celebration (more information to follow)
12/18: NO SCHOOL-Parent teacher conferences
12/21-1/1: Winter Break

1/4: School resumes and Meet the Masters Art lesson for our class
1/12: Vision and Hearing Testing
1/15:Family Friday @ 11am

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
  • Story: Unit 2-Week 6 "Jack and the Beanstalk"

  • Unit 2 test: Thursday
    • HFW: have, is, we, my, like, he, for

  • Students will continue procedural writing
  • Correcting and rewriting sentences
  • Finish and Test Chapter 6: Numbers 0-20 (FRIDAY)
    • Review numbers 0-10
    • Read, build and write numbers 11-20
      • Use double tens frames
  • Gingerbread man-making predictions about what dissolves in water
Social Studies:
  • Winter Holidays: Hanukkah

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Prior to the break, parents were given access to our Language Arts online curriculum. If you need help logging on, please let me know. Also, parents were given access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you, 
Miss. Maciel

Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation! 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week of 11/16-11/20

Good afternoon parents and guardians,

We are getting closer to the end of the first trimesters. Before going on Winter break, teaching will be holding parent conferences all week long after school and all day December 18. Please use the link below to sign up for a time and date.

You will need to log in using an email address. 

Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.
Parents have been asking about volunteering in the classroom. REACH allows parents to work with students for 3 days, after this they need to be finger printed. More information can be found in the office. The following would be the best times for parents to come in and help (working with students in small groups).
If you would like to help on any day, please let me know at least one day in advance.
-Math: 9:30-10:30
-Writing Centers: 10:30-11:00
-Centers: 1:45-2:15
-Writing centers: 8:20-8:50
Math: 9:30-10:15
Centers: 11:45-12:15
Friday (except on award days and Unit test days):
-Centers: 8:30-9:00
-Math: 9:30-10:30
-Writing centers: 10:30-11:00

November family project: Disguise a Turkey!  DUE THIS THURSDAY: 11/19.The project will be due November 19 (can be turned in before this) and presentations will occur the following day. Feel free to get as creative as you would like! 
Here are some great ideas I found online.

Some important dates to keep in mind:

11/19 Super Hero Run K/1 @ 1pm
11/20: Awards Assembly K/1 @ 8am (students receiving an awards will be notified)
11/20: Thanksgiving Celebration (THANK YOU to those families that have signed up for donations!)

11/23-11/17 NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
  • Story: Unit 2-Week 5 "A bed for winter"

  • Students will learn about procedural writing
    • Act it out to make sure all your steps are there!
    • Use words to keep steps in order
    • Make pictures clear
  • Chapter 6: Numbers 0-20
    • Review numbers 0-10
    • Read, build and write numbers 11-20
      • Use double tens frames
  • Seasons: Spring and Summer
Social Studies:
  • Unit 6: Lesson 1: What is a holiday?

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Also, parents were given access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you, 
Miss. Maciel

Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Look into our week 11/9-11/13

Good morning parents and guardians,

What a fun short week, hoping the same will go for next week!
Reminder: we get FREE DRESS every Friday for the month of November!

Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.
Parents have been asking about volunteering in the classroom. REACH allows parents to work with students for 3 days, after this they need to be finger printed. More information can be found in the office. The following would be the best times for parents to come in and help (working with students in small groups).
If you would like to help on any day, please let me know at least one day in advance.
-Math: 9:30-10:30
-Writing Centers: 10:30-11:00
-Centers: 1:45-2:15
-Writing centers: 8:20-8:50
Math: 9:30-10:15
Centers: 11:45-12:15
Friday (except on award days and Unit test days):
-Centers: 8:30-9:00
-Math: 9:30-10:30
-Writing centers: 10:30-11:00

November family project: Disguise a Turkey!  The project will be due November 19 (can be turned in before this) and presentations will occur the following day. Feel free to get as creative as you would like! 
Here are some great ideas I found online.

Feel free to continue practicing these items at home:
-Classroom rules (with hand motions)
1) Listen while the teacher is talking
2) Follow directions quickly
3) Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
4) Raise your hand to speak or stand
5) Keep your hand to yourself
6) Keep your dear teacher happy
-Learned about our clip chart
-Showing our needs with our fingers
1) restroom
(encourage students to use the restroom before school, during morning recess, during lunch, during PE and after school)
2) water
3) pencil
4) tissue
5) questions
-Classroom songs

Some important dates to keep in mind:

11/11-No SCHOOL (Veterans day)

11/13-Family Friday Lunch
11/19 Super Hero Run K/1 @ 1pm
11/20: Awards Assembly K/1 @ 8am (students receiving an awards will be notified)

11/23-11/17 NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
  • Story: Unit 2-Week 4 "Bear snores on"

  • Students will learn about procedural writing
    • Act it out to make sure all your steps are there!
    • Use words to keep steps in order
    • Make pictures clear
  • Test: Chapter 5: Size and position (Monday)
    • Big and small things
    • Does it fit?
    • Positions of items
    • Before and after
  • Chapter 6: Numbers 0-20
    • Review numbers 0-10
  • Seasons: Fall and winter
Social Studies:
  • Unit 5: Lesson 1: How can we show time?

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Also, parents were given access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you, 
Miss. Maciel

Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation! 