Saturday, September 26, 2015

Scholastic Book Orders-ONLINE

Hard copy order forms will begin to go home next month! Scholastics always has great book sales, books as low as $1!!!! The more books parents orders, the more points we earn towards books for the classroom. In the meantime use the button on the right side to order books. Orders usually come in within a week and a half.

Thank you!

In our class this week 9/28-10/2

Good morning parents and guardians,

I hope your weekend is off to a great start! 
I wanted to remind  you all that I will be out of the classroom for about two week for CELDT testing.  I will be testing on both campus (flip-flopping between both campuses on a daily basis).  When I am on our campus, I will be popping in to say "Hi" to the kids and reminding them to be on their best behavior. I am expected to be out all week Aug 28-Oct 1 and then full days Oct 5-6 and half days Oct 8-9. My substitute will be someone that has subbed for REACH for over three months last year as a long term substitute. I will be doing all the planning and setting everything up in the morning on a daily basis. Please speak with your child about showing the substitute respect and treating them exactly like myself. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.

Feel free to continue practicing these items at home:
-Classroom rules (with hand motions)
1) Listen while the teacher is talking
2) Follow directions quickly
3) Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
4) Raise your hand to speak or stand
5) Keep your hand to yourself
6) Keep your dear teacher happy
-Learned about our clip chart
-Showing our needs with our fingers
1) restroom
(encourage students to use the restroom before school, during morning recess, during lunch, during PE and after school)
2) water
3) pencil
4) tissue
5) questions
-Classroom songs

Some important dates to keep in mind:
-Weekly reminders

10/5 Picture Day (Uniforms worn)
10/15: California Shakeout

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
  • Story: Unit 1-Week 4 "Miss. Bindergarten takes a field trip"
  • Friday Comprehension test: Classify and categorize

  • Students will continue to write to tell a story and build their stamina
    • Writers are good partners
      • Student will share their work with a partner
    • Select a piece to publish
      • Students will fix up a previous writing piece
  • Chapter 2: Numbers to 10
    • Students will be able to use 0 to 9 to tell the number of objects
    • Students will be able to pair up sets of objects with other sets of the same quantity
    • Students will pair up sets of objects one-to-one with other sets of the same quantity
  • Chapter 2 test: Monday: 10/5/15
  • How things work: Bakery and Fire Station
    • Students will be able to describe how each location works
Social Studies:

  • Unit 3-Lesson 1: What job do people do?
    • Student will match simple descriptions of work that people do and the names of related jobs at the school, in the local community, and from historical accounts
  • Leadership: What is leadership? What do leaders do?

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you, 
Miss. Maciel

Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Scholastic Book orders

Hard copy order forms will begin to go home next month! Scholastics always has great book sales, books as low as $1!!!! The more books parents orders, the more points we earn towards books for the classroom. In the meantime use the button on the right side to order books. Orders usually come in within a week and a half.

Thank you!

Look into our week 8/21-8/25

Good morning parents and guardians,

What a great first full week of school. The kids are doing an amazing job at centers, I can not be more proud! They also enjoyed this week's Foody Fun Friday. We made a special drink, but they had to follow the correct instructions (steps and measurements) for it to come out yummy! We also celebrated our first classroom birthday!

I wanted to inform you all that I will be out of the classroom for about two week for CELDT testing.  I will be testing on both campus (flip-flopping between both campuses on a daily basis).  When I am on our campus, I will be popping in to say "Hi" to the kids and reminding them to be on their best behavior. I am expected to be out all week Aug 28-Oct 1 and then full days Oct 5-6 and half days Oct 8-9. My substitute will be someone that has subbed for REACH for over three months last year as a long term substitute. I will be doing all the planning and setting everything up in the morning on a daily basis. Please speak with your child about showing the substitute respect and treating them exactly like myself. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.

Feel free to continue practicing these items at home:
-Classroom rules (with hand motions)
1) Listen while the teacher is talking
2) Follow directions quickly
3) Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
4) Raise your hand to speak or stand
5) Keep your hand to yourself
6) Keep your dear teacher happy
-Learned about our clip chart
-Showing our needs with our fingers
1) restroom
(encourage students to use the restroom before school, during morning recess, during lunch, during PE and after school)
2) water
3) pencil
4) tissue
5) questions
-Classroom songs

Some important dates to keep in mind:
-Weekly reminders

9/22: Emergency Drill @10:20
9/25: First awards assembly @ 8am 
-Kinder and 1st grade
10/5 Picture Day (Uniforms worn)
10/15: California Shakeout

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
  • Story: Unit 1-Week 3 "Plaidypus lost"
  • Friday Comprehension test: Sequence

  • Students will continue to write to tell a story and build their stamina
    • Noticing details: Characters have setting
    • Noticing details: Characters have clothing
    • Using resources to help up:ABC chart
    • Moving from lists: "I love" to a focused idea
  • Writing exam:
    • Write your name and creating bubble map around a given idea
  • Chapter 1: Test
    • MONDAY: Numbers 1-5, differences
  • Chapter 2: Numbers to 10
    • Students will be able to count from 1 to 6
    • Students will be able to count from 1 to 7
    • Students will be able to count from 1 to 8
    • Students will be able to use 0 to 9 to tell the number of objects
  • Chapter 2: Solve problems
    • Students will be able to identify a problem and a design and materials for solving it
    • Students will note that one can draw and plan, create and test solution
    • Students will explain that solutions can be shared in different ways
  • Friday Test: Students will apply knowledge learned-Solve problems
  • Foody Fun Friday: Solving problems with food
    • In need of : Regular sized marshmallows and pretzel sticks
Social Studies:
  • Unit 1-Lesson 3: What can we learn from stories?
    • Student will know beliefs and related behaviors of characters in stories from times past and understand the consequences of the characters' actions
  • Leadership: Complete and turn in all of your work

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you, 
Miss. Maciel

Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation. :)

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Look into our week…9/14-9/18

Good morning parents and guardians,

Thank you to all those families that came out for back to school night. I hope I was able to answer any questions you may have had. If you have any more questions please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom. Looking forward to our first full week of school!

Back to school night Power Point Presentation:

Feel free to practice these items at home:
-Classroom rules (with hand motions)
1) Listen while the teacher is talking
2) Follow directions quickly
3) Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
4) Raise your hand to speak or stand
5) Keep your hand to yourself
6) Keep your dear teacher happy
-Learned about our clip chart
-Showing our needs with our fingers
1) restroom
(encourage students to use the restroom before school, during morning recess, during lunch, during PE and after school)
2) water
3) pencil
4) tissue
5) questions
-Classroom songs

Some important dates to keep in mind:
-Weekly reminders

-9/14: PTO Meeting @ 4pm (Jurupa Campus)
-9:16: Coffee with director at  8:00am (Jurupa Campus)
9/25: First awards assembly @ 8am 
-Kinder and 1st grade
10/5 Picture Day (Uniforms worn)
10/8: Singapore math night 5:30-6:30 (Jurupa campus)
10/15: California Shakeout

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
  • Story: Unit 1-Week 2 "We are so proud"
  • Friday Comprehension test: Setting
  • Other exam: Letter recognition A-N and HFW: I, am

  • Students will continue to write to tell a story and build their stamina
  • Chapter 1: Lessons 2-6
    • Students will be able to understand not the same
    • Students will be able to count groups of 3 using items of different attributes
    • Students will be able to count groups of 4 using different attributes only
    • Students will be able to count groups of 5
    • Students will be able to spot differences between two pictures
  • Chapter 1: The Nature of Science (lessons 5-6)
    • Students will tell how to use tools to and collect data
    • Students will identify how using tools and following rules help children stay safe in science class
  • Thursday: Chapter 1 test
  • Friday: Foody Fun Friday
    • Follow directions to create a yummy mixture
Social Studies:
  • Unit 1-Lesson 2: Who are good citizens? 
    • Student will be bale to learn examples of honesty, courage, world history from stories and folklore.
  • Leadership: Respecting other

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thank you, 
Miss. Maciel

Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation. :)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Look into our week: 9/7-9/11

Good morning parents and guardians,

What an amazing first week! I am beyond excited for my group of kiddos this year and of course having all you this year. It is going to be an educational, fun, exciting school year. I have so many parents/guardians already who are willing to help in class, THANK YOU!
Here are some things we did this week in class:
-Read some amazing Kindergarten based books
-Learned the classroom rules (with hand motions)
1) Listen while the teacher is talking
2) Follow directions quickly
3) Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
4) Raise your hand to speak or stand
5) Keep your hand to yourself
6) Keep your dear teacher happy
-Learned about our clip chart
-Learned how to show our needs with our fingers
1) restroom
(encourage students to use the restroom before school, during morning recess, during lunch, during PE and after school)
2) water
3) pencil
4) tissue
5) questions
-Had Jitter Juice and made wishes for this year
-Learned some of the classroom routines
-Cleaned up and packed up to this song
-Sang some songs
-Had our first food fun Friday (used our 5 senses)
-Learned about our homework folder
Take home Monday, bring back on Friday

Some important dates to keep in mind:
-Weekly reminders


9/10: Back to school Night
-9/14: PTO Meeting @ 5pm (Jurupa Campus)
-9:16: Coffee with director at  8:30am (Jurupa Campus)
9/25: First awards assembly @ 8am
10/5 Picture Day (Uniforms worn)
10/8: Singapore math night 5:30-6:30 (Jurupa campus)
10/15: California Shakeout

Here is a look into our new week

Language Arts:
  • Story: Unit 61-Week 1 "The little school bus"
  • Friday Comprehension test: Character

  • Students will learn how to "Write the room"
  • Students will tell on paper
  • Chapter 1: Lesson 1-Students will be able to count groups of 1 and 2.
  • Chapter 1: Lesson 2-Students will be able to match and sort
  • Chapter 1: The Nature of Science (lesson 1-4)
    • Students will be able to tell about working together to ask and answer questions
    • Students will be able to explain how we observe by using the senses
    • Students will tell that children can learn together as they conduct fair tests
    • Students will identify ways to record and share information about observations and tests
Social Studies:
  • Unit 1-Lesson 1: Why do we follow the rules?
    • Student will be bale to follow rules, such as sharing and taking turns and know the consequences of breaking them

  • Leadership: Follow rules and directions

Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns.

Enjoy the three day weekend!

Thank you, 
Miss. Maciel

Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation. :)