Saturday, February 24, 2018

Look into our week 2/26-3/2 (Unit 4 wk 5)

Good afternoon parents and guardians, 

Please be sure to check your child's backpack everyday to clean it out and look at important papers.

Scholastic Book Orders
March Book catalogs will be going home this Monday. Even though there is  deadline to submit orders, feel free to order books online whenever you would like. As soon as you place an order, let me know so I can approve it. The system is no longer notifying teachers when there is a new order.
Scholastic Books-not only do they have monthly books for $1, but you help the class earn point to purchase books. Feel free to place an order using the link below and use our classroom identification code. Book orders are usually delivered in a week and a half.
 Classroom code: M9M7P

Be sure to check out the new school calendar

Be sure to check out our Shutterfly page for our latest classroom pictures. If you would like access, please email me for a special invite. 

Don't forget to use SMARTYPANTS at home. This new, fun reading program can be accessed at home. All students received their log in information last month. If you have any question, let me know.

 Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
1 finger: restroom
Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during both recesses, lunch and after school.
2 fingers:water
Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
3 fingers: pencil
Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
4 fingers: tissue
when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
5 fingers: question
question for me to give more information on

Classroom rules:
#1: Listen while the teacher is talking
#2: Follow directions quickly
#3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
#4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
#5: Keep your hands to yourself
#6: Keep your dear teacher happy

If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

School News:
March Family Project Due 3/15
March family project went home this past Thursday. Please check it out!
Here are some examples below:

2/27 Last day to turn in Six Flags reading log

3/2: Read Across America Day aka Dr. Seuss Day

Our class has been practicing our song for about a month now.
For our perforce I would like for the kids to wear all BLACK! Black shirt, black jeans and if possible black shoes along with a pair of sunglasses!

Here is a look into our week
Songs to practice at home:

Language Arts: Unit 4-week 5
  • Theme: Health
  • Story of the week: "Open Wide, tooth school"
  • Poem of the week: "Brush your teeth"
  • Letter(s) of the week: Ee
    • Songs of the week for the letter(s) Ee
    • ABC mouse
    • Have Fun teaching
    • StoryBots
    • Home activities: Look for the letter(s) Ee (in all types of fonts)
    • Say words that begin with Ee
    • Draw pictures that begin with Ee
    • Sound  out  blend CVC words (determine if real or silly)
      •  get, kef, vet, ped, web, ten, hen, leg, bep
  • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)
  • High Frequency Words (HFW-also known as Sight words : Same set of words last for two weeks. These words are meant to be read just by "seeing" them)
    • This week's words: here, go, from

Math: Unit 9-Comparing numbers to 10
  • Test-Tuesday
  • Students will be able to compare numbers to 10
  • Students will be able to draw more or less than a given number
    • Examples
      • Draw more than 5
      • Draw less than 10
  • Student will be able to decide which set has more, match the sets and determine how many more or less
    • Example
      • OOOOO
      • XX
        • Circle has more, by 3 more
        • X's has less, by 3 less
Science: Health-Personal Hygiene
  • Students will be able to describe ways to stay clean and healthy
Social Studies: Community helpers
  • Students will be able to describe community helpers and describe their jobs
    Writing: The Writing house

    • Review writing house and lines
    • Practice writing a sentence that contains a "who" and a "what"
      • The cat is running.
      • My dog will sit.
    • Practice pages to use at home
      Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
    Be sure to check grades online. Parents were given access to teacher grade books. I try to update my grade book every weekend.

    Have a great rest of the day!

    Mrs. Gil

    Monday, February 19, 2018

    Look into our week 2/20-2/23 (Unit 4 wk 4)

    Good afternoon parents and guardians, 

    Wow! What a fun and busy week this past week was! We are now well past our 100th day and have begun our countdown to first grade! It will come quick, but in the mean time we will continue to learn and have fun!

    Please be sure to check your child's backpack everyday to clean it out and look at important papers.

    Scholastic Book Orders
    Scholastic Books-not only do they have monthly books for $1, but you help the class earn point to purchase books. Feel free to place an order using the link below and use our classroom identification code. Book orders are usually delivered in a week and a half.
     Classroom code: M9M7P

    Be sure to check out the new school calendar

    Be sure to check out our Shutterfly page for our latest classroom pictures. If you would like access, please email me for a special invite. 

    Don't forget to use SMARTYPANTS at home. This new, fun reading program can be accessed at home. All students received their log in information last month. If you have any question, let me know.

     Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
    Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
    1 finger: restroom
    Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during both recesses, lunch and after school.
    2 fingers:water
    Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
    3 fingers: pencil
    Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
    4 fingers: tissue
    when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
    5 fingers: question
    question for me to give more information on

    Classroom rules:
    #1: Listen while the teacher is talking
    #2: Follow directions quickly
    #3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
    #4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
    #5: Keep your hands to yourself
    #6: Keep your dear teacher happy

    If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

    School News:
    March Family Project Due 3/15
    March family project went home this past Thursday. Please check it out!
    Here are some examples below:

    2/22 February Awards

    2/27 Last day to turn in Six Flags reading log

    3/2: Read Across America Day aka Dr. Seuss Day

    Here is a look into our week
    Songs to practice at home:

    Language Arts: Unit 4-week 4
    • Theme: Health
    • Story of the week: "The Bakers Dozen"
    • Poem of the week: "The vegetable song"
    • Letter(s) of the week: Gg
      • Songs of the week for the letter(s) Gg
      • ABC mouse
      • Have Fun teaching
      • StoryBots
      • Home activities: Look for the letter(s) Gg (in all types of fonts)
      • Say words that begin with Gg
      • Draw pictures that begin with Gg
      • Sound  out  blend CVC words (determine if real or silly)
        •  gab, glob, gut, gef, glup, glup, gig
    • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)
    • High Frequency Words (HFW-also known as Sight words : Same set of words last for two weeks. These words are meant to be read just by "seeing" them)
      • This week's words: one, two, three, four, five

    Math: Unit 9-Comparing numbers to 10
    • Students will be able to compare numbers to 10
    • <, >, =
    Science: Health-Food groups
    • Students will be able to describe the food groups and give examples in each
    Social Studies: Community helpers
    • Students will be able to describe community helpers and describe their jobs
      Writing: The Writing house

      • Review writing house and lines
      • Practice writing a sentence that contains a "who" and a "what"
        • The cat is running.
        • My dog will sit.
      • Practice pages to use at home
        Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
      Be sure to check grades online. Parents were given access to teacher grade books. I try to update my grade book every weekend.

      Have a great rest of the day!

      Mrs. Gil

      Sunday, February 11, 2018

      Look into our week: Unit 4 wk 3 (2/12-2/15)

      Good evening parents and guardians, 

      Please be sure to check your child's backpack everyday to clean it out and look at important papers.

      Scholastic Book Orders
      Scholastic Books-not only do they have monthly books for $1, but you help the class earn point to purchase books. Feel free to place an order using the link below and use our classroom identification code. Book orders are usually delivered in a week and a half.
       Classroom code: M9M7P

      Be sure to check out the new school calendar

      Be sure to check out our Shutterfly page for our latest classroom pictures. If you would like access, please email me for a special invite. 

      Don't forget to use SMARTYPANTS at home. This new, fun reading program can be accessed at home. All students received their log in information last month. If you have any question, let me know.

       Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
      Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
      1 finger: restroom
      Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during both recesses, lunch and after school.
      2 fingers:water
      Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
      3 fingers: pencil
      Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
      4 fingers: tissue
      when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
      5 fingers: question
      question for me to give more information on

      Classroom rules:
      #1: Listen while the teacher is talking
      #2: Follow directions quickly
      #3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
      #4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
      #5: Keep your hands to yourself
      #6: Keep your dear teacher happy

      If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

      School News:
      February Family Project Due 2/14
      February family project will be going home today. Please check it out!
      Here are some examples below:

      2/12 100th day of school
      Students can dress up like 100 year olds!
      This is a fun filled day for Kinder!

      2/14 Valentines Day
      Classroom celebration 
      26 total students-no need to fill out "To" on cards

      2/16 & 2/19 NO SCHOOL

      2/22 February Awards

      2/27 Last day to turn in Six Flags reading log

      3/2: Read Across America Day aka Dr. Seuss Day

      Here is a look into our week

      Songs to practice at home:

      Language Arts: Unit 4-week 3
      • CVC reading rest
        • 5 points: read entire word with out sounding it out "cat"
        • 4 points: sounds out word then reads it /c/ /a/ /t/..."cat"
        • 3 points: sounds out words unable to read word correctly or at all /c/ /a/ /t/ 
        • 2 points: only 2 sound produced /c/ /a/
        • 1 point: only 1 point produced /c/
        • 0 points: no sounds produced
      • Theme: Video game/coding
      • Story of the week: "Have fun Molly Lou Mellon"
      • Poem of the week: "100th day"
      • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)
      • High Frequency Words (HFW-also known as Sight words : Same set of words last for two weeks. These words are meant to be read just by "seeing" them)
        • This week's words: one, two, three, four, five

      Math: Unit 9-Comparing numbers to 10
      • Students will be able to compare numbers to 10
      • <, >, =
      Science: Video games/coding
      • Students will be able to describe what coding is
      Social Studies: Computer Science
      • Students will be able to describe what computer science is
        Writing: The Writing house

        • Review writing house and lines
        • Practice writing a sentence that contains a "who" and a "what"
        • Practice pages to use at home
          Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
        Be sure to check grades online. Parents were given access to teacher grade books. I try to update my grade book every weekend.

        Have a great rest of the day!

        Mrs. Gil

        Monday, February 5, 2018

        Look into our week Unit 4 wk 2: 2/5-2/9

        Good morning parents and guardians, 

        Please be sure to check your child's backpack everyday to clean it out and look at important papers.

        THANK YOU for the donations of Kleenex! My kiddos and I appreciate it!

        Scholastic Book Orders
        Scholastic Books-not only do they have monthly books for $1, but you help the class earn point to purchase books. Feel free to place an order using the link below and use our classroom identification code. Book orders are usually delivered in a week and a half.
         Classroom code: M9M7P

        Be sure to check out the new school calendar

        Be sure to check out our Shutterfly page for our latest classroom pictures. If you would like access, please email me for a special invite. 

        Don't forget to use SMARTYPANTS at home. This new, fun reading program can be accessed at home. All students received their log in information last month. If you have any question, let me know.

         Please help me reinforce the following hand signals and rules: 
        Hand Signals: (show me the number of fingers in the air)
        1 finger: restroom
        Encourage your child to use the restroom before school, during both recesses, lunch and after school.
        2 fingers:water
        Children may bring their own water bottle to keep in class, please LABEL it with their name
        3 fingers: pencil
        Student may replace their dull or broken pencil for a new one
        4 fingers: tissue
        when needed, please ask student to sit back down right away
        5 fingers: question
        question for me to give more information on

        Classroom rules:
        #1: Listen while the teacher is talking
        #2: Follow directions quickly
        #3: Respect others, respect yourself, respect your school
        #4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
        #5: Keep your hands to yourself
        #6: Keep your dear teacher happy

        If you have any question or concerns please feel free to email me, text back to the reminders I set or stop by the classroom.

        School News:
        February Family Project Due 2/14
        February family project will be going home today. Please check it out!
        Here are some examples below:

        2/7 Day of Play
        Student may bring in toys/games to play all day long.
        Student may bring in items in a backpack, bag or box.
        Please label toys so there is no confusion when we clean up!
        Please do not send any electronics!

        2/9 Sweet Moments dance

        2/12 100th day of school
        Students can dress up like 100 year olds!
        This is a fun filled day for Kinder!

        2/14 Valentines Day
        Classroom celebration 

        2/16 & 2/19 NO SCHOOL

        2/22 February Awards

        2/27 Last day to turn in Six Flags reading log

        3/2: Read Across America Day aka Dr. Seuss Day
        Pajama dress up day

        Here is a look into our week

        Songs to practice at home:

        Language Arts: Unit 4-week 2
        • Theme: Video game/coding
        • Story of the week: "Stuck
        • Poem of the week: "Be my player 2"
        • Letter(s) of the week: Ll
          • Songs of the week for the letter(s) Ll
          • ABC mouse
          • Have Fun teaching
          • StoryBots
          • Blends song
          • Home activities: Look for the letter(s) Ll (in all types of fonts)
          • Say words that begin with Ll
          • Draw pictures that begin with Ll
          • Sound  out  blend CVC words (determine if real or silly)
            •  lab, leg, lif, lod, lub, flap, slip, blob
        • Weekly reading comprehension test: Every Friday (Based on the comprehension skill of the week)
        • High Frequency Words (HFW-also known as Sight words : Same set of words last for two weeks. These words are meant to be read just by "seeing" them)
          • This week's words: are, that, do

        Math: Unit 8-Measurement (8.11-Test)
        • Students will be able to measure and decide long/short
        Science: Video games/coding
        • Students will be able to describe what coding is
        Social Studies: Computer Science
        • Students will be able to describe what computer science is
          Writing: The Writing house


          • Review writing house and lines
          • Practice writing verb sentences
            • Finish the sentence frame on own
              • "The ______ will_______"
              • "The ______ can ______"
          • Practice pages to use at home
            Please feel free to stop by with any questions or concerns. If you are unable to, you may always email me or text back via my reminders.
          Be sure to check grades online. Parents were given access to teacher grade books. I try to update my grade book every weekend.

          Have a great rest of the day!

          Mrs. Gil