What another great week! What made the week even better was finishing up end of the year DIBELS testing and finding out my entire class reached their benchmark goals. I was soooooooooo proud of them! We have worked really hard this year and are continuing to do so until our last day. Thank you for always working with your child at home, it always make a huge difference! The ABC countdown is continuing to be amazing, hope you are enjoying the pictures! We are getting closer to the school year coming to an end. If you have any questions regarding any of the scheduled activities please let me know. Our class is in need of a few items, donations are greatly appreciated!
Clorox Wipes
Disinfecting spray
Painters tape
Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.
Some important dates to keep in mind:
-6/13: Kinder field trip 8:00-5:30
-6/16: STEAM expo 4-6pm
-6/17: Donuts for dads/Awards
RSVP with me by 6/15
-6/20: Sports day: Please sign up outside the office
Our class is still in need of group leaders!
-6/23 Kinder Luau end of the year party
Sign up list outside our classroom door
If all the items are already signed up for, please feel free to bring in anything else you would like!
6/24: Last day of school/Kinder promotion at 12pm
Events until the end of the school year
-6/13: Kinder field trip 8:00-5:30
-6/16: STEAM expo 4-6pm
-6/17: Donuts for dads/Awards
RSVP with me by 6/15
-6/20: Sports day: Please sign up outside the office
Our class is still in need of group leaders!
-6/23 Kinder Luau end of the year party
Sign up list outside our classroom door
If all the items are already signed up for, please feel free to bring in anything else you would like!
6/24: Last day of school/Kinder promotion at 12pm
Events until the end of the school year
Here is a look into our new week
Language Arts:
- Story: Unit 6-Week 6 "Ants and their nests"
- Detailed sentences (who, what, where, why)
- Review adding and subtracting to 20
- STEAM expo: dinosaurs/fossils/paleontologist
Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Students were given access to MobyMAx. Please try using the online program at home. Students may do Language Arts or Math. This is an awesome individualized learning program. Also, parents still have access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.
Enjoy the weekend!
Thank you,
Thank you,
Miss. Maciel
Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation!