We are getting closer to the school year coming to an end. If you have any questions regarding any of the scheduled activities please let me know. Our class is in need of a few items, donations are greatly appreciated!
Clorox Wipes
Disinfecting spray
Painters tape
Scholastic book orders can always be placed online using the link to the right of the page and they will arrive quicker. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or stop by the classroom.
Some important dates to keep in mind:
5/2-5/6: Book fair
5/3: Spring Pictures (free dress)
5/4: Star wars day (no props and masks)
5/5: Cinco de Mayo performance at 1:00 and celebration to follow
sign up list outside our classroom
5/6: School wide picture-please only REACH spirit shirts or uniforms
5/9: Wear purple in honor of a staff member and 4th grade student
Events until the end of the school year
5/2-5/6: Book fair
5/3: Spring Pictures (free dress)
5/4: Star wars day (no props and masks)
5/5: Cinco de Mayo performance at 1:00 and celebration to follow
sign up list outside our classroom
5/6: School wide picture-please only REACH spirit shirts or uniforms
5/9: Wear purple in honor of a staff member and 4th grade student
Events until the end of the school year
Here is a look into our new week
Language Arts:
- Story: Unit 5-Week 6 "This is the way we get to school"
- Unit 5 final (Friday)
- HFW: yellow, blue, green, what, said, was, where, come
- Continue with Unit 6: personal narratives
- Chapter 20: Money
- Students will be able to recognize penny, nickel, dime and quarter
- Students will be able to add coins up to 10¢
- Clouds
Please feel free to email me or stop by with any questions or concerns. Students were given access to MobyMAx. Please try using the online program at home. Students may do Language Arts or Math. This is an awesome individualized learning program. Also, parents still have access to our grade books. My grade book is updated on a weekly basis.
Enjoy the weekend!
Thank you,
Thank you,
Miss. Maciel
Ps. Our Shutterfly page is updated on a regular basis. IF you do not have access and would like to see the pictures, please email me and I will send you an invitation!