Monday, November 18, 2013

This week...

Good evening parents and guardians,

This is going to be a fun, busy, short week. Here is a look at my week's plans:

  • Language Arts
    • Story: Jack and the Beanstalk
    • Content Knowledge: Real and Make-Believe Plants
    • Phonemic Awareness: Initial Sounds
    • Phonics: /i/ Spelled Ii
    • Comprehension Skill: Realism and Fantasy
    • Handwriting: I and i
  • Language Arts TESTING
    • This past Friday the students took their weekly comprehension exam on sequencing. The students were read a story and were asked to asked place 3 pictures in order. The students had a bit of a difficult time with this exam. I know my students are able to tell me the beginning, middle and end of a story, they do it all the time. Since the test scores were not as high as I felt they could be, i retested them again today. I used a different story, but still maintaining the same objective: sequencing. These new test score were much better!
    • Since we are currently covering the final week of Unit 2, the students will be taking their Unit 2 exam. The exam will cover everything they have learned this unit.
      • Sight words 
        • have, is, we, my, like, he, for
      • Sound /s/, /m/, /t/, /a/, /p/, /k/ and most recently introduced /i/
      • Comprehension topics: compare/contrast, setting, main idea, realism/fantasy, sequence.
  • Math
    • Continue learning about shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle)
    • identify and describe common geometric objects (e.g., circle, triangle, square, rectangle, cube, sphere, cone
  • Social Studies
    • We area learning about the first Thanksgiving 
    • Why did it happen, who was involved
Lunch Order Forms
  • They were sent home today, please be sure to fill them out and return them by the due date.
Parent conferences
  • This week we will be holding parent/teacher conferences. The students will not have school this Thursday or Friday. I look forward to talking with each of you. If you need notification about your scheduled time please email me and I will let you know your time.

As always if there are any questions or concerns please feel free to email me.

Have a great evening, 
Miss. Maciel


Hello parents and guardians,

Just wanted to give a quick reminder and some information about tomorrow.

  • PLEASE have your child wear their REACH shirts
  • We will be decorating our THANKSGIVING DAY donation boxes tomorrow from 12:45-2:00pm
    • The Press Enterprise it set to come during this time to take pictures and get more information about what we are doing
THANK YOU for all the donations you were able to make.

As always if you have any questions please feel free to email me.

Miss. Maciel

PS We made Pilgrim hats today!! I took some really cute pictures, if you would like a copy please email me so I can send it to you :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Donations

Good evening parents and guardian,

I hope every ones week is going well. I just wanted to give  a quick reminder about the Thanksgiving Day Donations. Tomorrow will be the last day to bring in your baking goods.
THANK YOU to all those parents that have donated item  already. Many families will be able to have an even better holiday because of all the donated items.
Also, please remember that next week, on TUESDAY, the Press Enterprise will be coming by to take pictures and get more information about our school while each class decorates the boxes the donated items will be placed in. Please make sure your kids are wearing their REACH shirts this day.

Next week will be quick but hopefully our kiddos enjoy it with all the great things I have planned for them.

As always, If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me.

Have a great rest of the day and see you all really soon for parent conferences,
Miss. Maciel

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This week….

Good evening parents and guardian,

Sorry to update my blog so late. Here is a quick list of what we are doing in class this week.

Language Arts

  • Story: "A bed for winter"

  • Content Knowledge: Animal Homes
  • Phonemic Awareness: Initial /i/
  • Phonics: /i/ Spelled Ii
  • Comprehension Skill: Sequence
  • Conventions: Adjectives for Opposites
  • Handwriting: I and i
  • Tomorrow my kiddos will be taking their unit test
    • Numbers 1-10 and 10-1 (filling in missing numbers)
  • We will begin out new Unit on SHAPES on Thursday 
  • We finished up the 4 seasons of the year today (we also did some painting- the kids were super excited and did an awesome job following instructions)
  • Thursday and Friday we will be learning about teeth and the importance of brushing them (we will also be doing a little experiment)
***I will be sending parent teacher conference reminders home tomorrow. Please be sure to look for it in your child's items. 

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me.

Have a great evening, 
Miss. Maciel

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Giving Back to those in need...

Good evening parents and guardians,

Miss. Maciel here once again with a bit more information.
As I mentioned in my last 2 posts, and as you may have seen in fliers sent home from school, REACH this year with be donating baskets filled with goodies to families in need this Thanksgiving holiday.

Each class has been assigned specific items to bring in. My class has been put in charge of bringing in boxes of baking goods (cake mixes, brownies, pie makings). Not only will this give our kiddos a chance to help others, but they will also be learning about helping those in need all month.
REACH will try its best to provide around 20 baskets to families and we will also have outside help from a big chain super market store. Dr. Rentie asks that's all students wear REACH shirts from Nov. 18-20 not only to show our school pride, but to bring all students together during this time of giving to others and being thankful for what we have.
On November 19 all classes (from 12:45-2:00 pm) will be decorating the boxes that will then be filled with the donated items. This day the Press Enterprise will also be present! We will get a chance to show all of Riverside and the Inland Empire what our school is all about, but most importantly we will be able to show our school "family". We stick together and help those in need. If you would like to help this day please let me know. The baskets of goods will then be distributed after school on Nov 20th.
If you would like to sign up for a basket please stop by the office.

Side Note:
I wanted to share a moment I had in class today. As I was calling up students to get their items from their mailboxes, I stopped and thought to myself…"This is my class. What i have worked for so hard. I am truly blessed to have such a great group of kids." I felt such happiness that I had to hold back tears of joy. Parents and guardians please know that I beyond thankful for everything you do for your children, my class and for myself. I know they are your children, but to me they are my kids :)

As always if you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me.

Have a great evening,
Miss. Maciel

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Meals on Wheels and Royals Newsletters

Good evening parents and guardians,

I wanted to ask for some help with regards to a special project REACH will be involved in, Meals on Wheels.  Mrs. Schreck came up with a great idea, especially since this month we are focusing on the core value of SERVICE, and helping those in need. As a school we will be creating place mats for Meals on Wheels. Transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and 3rd grade will be creating Christmas themed place mats. I would love to work on these during our last week of school before Thanksgiving break. I was wondering, if it were possible, IF you could possibly donate Christmas themed stickers and other goodies to decorate/create the mats. Since our kiddos are smaller, I thought it would be fun and easier if they had objects they could just stick on their personalized mats, to make them that much nicer. Once the mats are complete, I will be going to CM School Supplies to laminate them and turning them over to Meal on Wheels to use. Stickers, glitter pens, any sort of crafts items (many of these items found at any 99 cent) would work great, and would be used towards a projects that would give our students a chance to give back to their community. If you are able to donate any items, THANK YOU!!!!

Royals Newsletter

  • This month's newsletter when home today. Please be sure to look it over as there are some important announcement.
  • Here are some important point in the newsletter that I did not mention in yesterdays blog post.
  1. Important dates section (pg 2)
  2. Lost and Found
    • All unclaimed items will be orated to charity before Thanksgiving break.
  3. Singapore Math Night
    • November 14, 2013 from 5:30-7:00
  4. Recess Reading
    • Begins Dec. 2nd. 
  5. Minimum Day Change
    • Will be changing to FRIDAY'S beginning Dec 13.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to send me an email. I am usually pretty good about responding right away.

Thank you for all that you do for my class and our school. This year I can finally say, I am THANKFUL for my students and their supportive parents.

Have a great rest of the day, 
Miss. Maciel

Monday, November 4, 2013

This week's happenings and other November information

Good evening parents and guardians,

Another month has come and gone, time sure is flying by. I hope your kiddos are learning a lot and eager to learn some more. A big thank you to those parents that have been donating items to the class, or donating their time at school, it is truly appreciated.

Lets begin with this week's happening:

Language Art:

  • Story of week: "Bear Snores On"
  • Content Knowledge: Bears in Winter
  • Phonemic Awareness: Initial /k/
  • Phonics: /k/ Spelled Cc
  • Comprehension Skill: Realism and Fantasy (please speak with your children about this when possible)
  • Conventions: Adjectives for Sizes
  • Handwriting: C and c
  • Listening and Speaking: Listen for Setting
  • Sight Words aka High Frequency Words: we, my like (I apologize for not writing them on the front cover of the homework packets this week)
  • Numbers 1-10
  • Filling in missing numbers
  • Organizing numbers in order

In order to stretch out our Science and Social Studies Curriculum Units to cover the entire school year, from time to time we will be able to choose any topic we would like for our class. This week we will be learning about the 4 seasons of the year. I thought it would go great with the story we are focusing on this week. Today the kiddos got an introduction to the seasons, so far the students seem really interested which made me really happy. 

Parent Conferences:
     Today I sent home a form with your child regarding parent conferences. Please fill it out and return it to me as soon as possible. I will be scheduling my conferences on a first come first serve basis.

This month's happening:
  • 11/8 Family Friday- Tk/k Lunch 11:00-11:45 (BUY your meal tickets for Charlies Subs)
  • 11/10 Mission Inn Run- Earn miles for hundred mile club (to register visit
  • 11/11 NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day
  • 11/13 Coffee with director- 8 am in gym
  • 11/15 Awards assembly/makeup picture day/Food drive donations due
  • 11/20 PTO Family Fundraiser- Roller City 2001 (more info to come)
  • 11/20 "Feed a Family"-food baskets distributed
  • 11/21-11/22 NO SCHOOL- Parent conferences
  • 11/25-11/29 NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving break
"Feed a Family" Thanksgiving Food Drive 
-Sorry for the small picture, more information will be going soon as soon as possible but I wanted to let everyone know about this as soon as I could because this is a great thing REACH is doing.
My class will be in charge of bringing in boxes of baking goods (cake mixes, brownies, pie makings).
A huge, huge, HUGE thank you in advance for any donated your family may be able to contribute. I/m sure the recipients of the baskets will be beyond thankful and great full as well. Lets work together to make some families Thanksgiving day that much better.

If you have any questions regarding this week's happening or any of the events scheduled to go on this month please feel free to email me or catch me at REACH.

Have a great evening everyone, 
Miss. Maciel

PS. One quick note regarding students in Miss. Lopez's soccer team. On one of her math pages, the one with the apples, it says to fill in the missing numbers. She requested the students simply write the numbers in starting at 1. Thank you :)