Monday, September 30, 2013

This week 9/30-10/4

Good evening parents and guardians,

Miss. Maciel here to inform you of this week's happenings.

Language Arts:

  • Story of the week: "Smash! Crash!"
  • High frequency words (Sight words): a, to
  • Phonics: /m/ spelled Mm
  • Phonemic awareness: initial and final /m/
  • Text-based comprehension: Character
  • Amazing words: signals, proper, perfect, dud, pirates and fabulous
  • Letter Mm
  • Captions
  • Understanding graphing
  • Numbers 1-3
Science- I sent home the introduction letter for Chapter 2, which we began today. This chapter focuses on solving problems. Please feel free to do the recommended experiments- one this week and one next week.

   - Today I decided to begin something new in class that still uses the clip chart system I explained on back to school night but I made a few changes for the best. First off, students will no longer receive a weekly start report. Many parents wanted daily feedback, so instead if your child is on Blue or Green; they will receive a happy face at the end of the day. I told the students they are responsible for the happy faces and once they collected 5 they could then go to the treasure chest for a prize. This not only make the kiddos more responsible for their stuff but give parents quick feed back about how their day was. Another change I made will be sending home notes to parents if their child is on orange or red (each note in the respective color). I explained to the students that their parents must sign the note and it then must be returned to me the next day. If you would like more information please feel free to email me.

OCTOBER 2, 2013
   - It is really important that all children are present and on time this upcoming Wednesday. Not only will our school look better with all our children present, but our funding depends on it. Parents please be sure to be on time and ready for the Pledge at 7:40 am.

 - Parents and guardians please be sure to check your child's backpack/ folder daily. The office and myself have sent home important papers that need to be returned, not all students have done so.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me and I will try my best to get back at you right away.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of this Monday, 
Miss. Maciel

PS. Thank you for all the donations our classroom has received. Our class truly appreciates it. :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Leveled group rotations and donation request

Hello parents,

We are half way through another school week.
Just wanted to give you 2 quick updates. :)

I sent home a form today notifying you of child's level and where they will be rotating to for Language Arts, writing and Math.

Miss. Lopez will be leading the Advance group (above benchmark).
Mrs. Schissler will be leading the Benchmark group (at benchmark).
I will be leading the Strategic group (below benchmark).

If at any point in the school year your child needs to be moved again, we will be notifying you.

On another note, parents I need your help!
Students are beginning to do more writing and are using the erasers and pencils more often. I have a few left that I purchased, but I was wondering if I could possibly get some donations for the "big" pencils and erasers. Anything would be greatly appreciated by myself and the students.

As always THANK YOU for all your help and support.
Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

Thank you,
Miss. Maciel

Monday, September 23, 2013

This week 9/23-9/27

Good evening parents,

I hope you all had a great start to this first week of Fall.
As promised I will try to update my blog to let you know what we will be learning in class.

Language Arts:

  • Story of the week- ""Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten" 
  • Letters of focus this week: Uu-Zz
  • Location vocabulary: Library, post office, fire station, bakery
  • Comprehension skill: Classify and categorize
  • Review: Initial sounds
  • Sight words: The, Little
Math- Begin Unit 2:

  • Numbers 1-5
  • Creating different shapes using tiles
Science- Continue Science chapter 1:

  • Intro to science
    • How do you share what you learn?
    • What do you use to observe?
    • How do you stay safe?
Kindergarten level rotations began today. If you would like to know what group your child will be in please feel free to email me or ask.

General school announcements:

  • Family FUNdraiser @ El Torito, 9/25 from 12:00-10:00 pm
  • First award assembly of the school year, 9/27/13
    • Tk/k 8:00-8:45 (we will also be performing!)
    • 1st: 8:45-9:30
    • 2nd/3rd: 9:30-10:15 
  • OCTOBER 2nd, Dr. Rentie would like for all students to be present this day. On this day California looks at every school's attendance. It is important all students are present and on time! This will only help REACH.
As always if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me.

Have a great evening, 
Miss. Maciel

Monday, September 16, 2013

This week we.. (9/16-9/20)

Hello parents,

This week's homework was sent home today. I only had a few students that did not complete last weeks, this was a great start.
As mentioned at Back2School night, I will be providing a brief over view of this weeks topics.


  • Today- Students took the first Unit assessment and the results were GREAT!! 18 of 23 students received a perfect score of 12.
  • Tuesday through Friday- Students will be working on tens frames. Students will be exposed to them a few different ways including making 10 bean sticks and 10 bead bracelets.

Language Arts (Reading Street letter sent home in homework packet)
  • Focus on letters Oo-Ss (writing and beginning sounds)
  • Introduce sequencing (First, then/second and last)
  • Review syllables
  • Sight words: 
    • This week: The, Little
    • Last week: I, Am
Science (Introduction letter sent home in homework packet)
  • Began first science chapter that will last 2 weeks
  • Introduction to science
    • How to observe (using the 5 senses)
  • Respecting other
    • Students will review different ways to respect others

Upcoming school events:
  • 9/25 Family FUNdraising Event @ El Torito (12pm-10pm)
  • 1st student assembly

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me and I will try my best to get back to you as soon as I can.

Have a great rest of the day, 
Miss. Maciel

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back 2 school night

Hello parents,

Back to school night will be this Thursday. The event starts at 6:00 pm with a presentation by Dr.Rentie. Please be sure to be on time and this will be an adult only event.

I look forward to seeing all of you once again and giving you more information about our classroom.

As always if you have any questions please feel free to email me.

Thank you,
Miss. Maciel

PS... I am still missing a few packets from some students (student information-sent home the first day). If you haven't done so already please send them to me when you get a chance. :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

One week down....

many more to go. I have to say I have a great group of kids! This made my first week run pretty smoothly. We have learned many things this first week and it would be great if you could practice with your child any item they tell you about.

Here are some of the ROUTINES we started so far in class (it would be awesome if you  could discuss these with you child and the importance of following them in class):
-Lining up is a 4S line (Straight. silent, still and smiling)
-Raising your hand to speak
-Wait your turn to be called on, no shouting
-Classroom hand number signs (1=restroom, 2=water, 3=pencil, 4=tissue, 5=question)
-Morning unpacking routine
            -Place your lunch in the lunch bin
            -Place any papers sent from your parents in the tray on the back table
            -Place your backpack in bin
-Recess (PLEASE use the restroom and drink water, no rough playing, run on the grass, and line up quickly with your class after recess is over)
***As a school we are trying our best to encourage students to use the restroom and drink water before school, during morning recess, lunch and afternoon recess**

As you may have noticed, students began bringing home work they did throughout the day. Some parents have told me they have been reviewing this with their child at home, THIS IS GREAT! Thank you for reviewing with them, this will only help them.

HOMEWORK will be sent out for the first time this upcoming week. Each student will be given their own homework folder and will be expected to complete their homework packet by Friday (when homework will be collected).

SCHOLASTIC Book club- the first catalog was sent home this past week. The deadline to place orders will be September 11, 2013. You may also place orders online, please find the button on the right hand side of my blog to place any orders. This also helps our class earn points towards books I may be able to purchase for our class.

KINDERGARTEN SCHEDULE- The Pledge of Allegiance begins promptly at 7:40 am, students should be in the MPR and lined up by this time. Students are released daily at 3:10 pm with the exception of Wednesdays at 12:00.

I think this is it for now. If I can think of anything else I will be sure to post about it right away.
As always, if you have any questions please feel free to email me and I will be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.

Have a great Sunday with your loved ones.
See you tomorrow,

Miss. Maciel

P.s....I would love to give a huge THANK YOU to all those parents that have donated items to our classroom and to those parents that came to help me prior to school started. I could not have done this without you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU...THANK YOU!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Night before... First day of school

Hi everyone,
The first day of school is only a few hours away!
Here are some quick reminders:
    -classes begin at 7:40 am
    -drop off/ pick up will always be in the MPR (gym)
    -please label all of your child's personal belongings

Finally here is a poem for you to read tonight before the kiddos go to sleep (if they haven't done so already)...

Sleep well my future students and parents,